Wednesday, October 21, 2009

That's my shnitz

On occasion, I see girls pass me in the street, strutting their shnitz, half ass nonna buns high atop their heads. And these girls have the audacity to give ME grilling looks, as if I'm the one biting their style. Puh-lease. You saw it on America's next top model, and now you're trying to be cool. Or trying to be me. I'm flattered. Really.
Why is it that I so often find myself in battle with the 'be-cool's' of society.

Dont think I didnt notice you checking my nonna bun out. Trying to see how I get it so high, sleek and perfectly coiled... Sans hair product might I add. Dont think that as the weeks progress, I haven't noticed your low, loose, mess of a bun gradually becoming tighter, rising to the top. You're not at the top, you're at the bottom... of the nonna pole. I think your bun might be too tight, loosing circulation to the brain. Quit while you're ahead. Go buy yourself a Bump'It. Oh ya, I said it. Bump this.

Its as much a part of me as Uncle Jesse's mullet, the parachute pants
branded by Hammer and the DD's (EE's? FF's??) on Dolly.
Ladies. Lets get one thing straight: I OWN that look. Tinkerbell sold it to me in the 80's.
If you have a problem with it. Take it up with Peter Pan, cause I'm not interested.

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